Retrospect: 3 quotes to ruminate onThe past 2.5 COVID years had been tumultuously life-changing for many who are negatively affected by the ‘end’-emic. It is one thing to…Sep 2, 2022Sep 2, 2022
Learning, making and living for posterityWhen was the last time you tried doing something new for the first time?Mar 16, 2021Mar 16, 2021
Goodbye for now, but another story must begin.“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly.” — (Richard Bach)Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Devastated but not destroyed: Lessons learnt for surviving 2021 and beyondIt is an understatement to describe 2020 as a crazily difficult and challenging year. Seemingly overnight, everything had changed as if…Dec 29, 2020Dec 29, 2020
AI Robo-racing and why it is a big dealFor many years now, conversations regarding artificial intelligence (AI) has shifted from scientific research labs to the politicians’…Jan 22, 2020Jan 22, 2020
Six observations on why Chiang Mai Maker Party 2019 is one of the most memorable maker events thus…In conjunction with the sixth edition of the Chiang Mai Maker Party, here are six personal observations as to why I think it is one of the…Dec 9, 2019Dec 9, 2019
Creative technologies for our classrooms: Tools, talents and the ‘touch’.A Singapore Minister of Education once lamented in a speech he gave in a public school function:Mar 30, 2017Mar 30, 2017
Published inAsian MakersYoung makers imagining possibilities for Malaysia’s futureThe weekend Kuala Lumpur Engineering and Science Festival (KLESF) saw the crowning of a new national champion at the National Finals of the…Nov 9, 2016Nov 9, 2016
Fast & furious guide to programming the Nano32 (Part 6)In this part of the programming guide, we are going to look into how to take reading from the DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor and…Oct 29, 2016Oct 29, 2016
Fast & furious guide to programming the Nano32 (Part 5)In this part of the programming guide, we are going to look into how you can control the I/O pins of the Nan032 board to do all sorts of…Oct 29, 20161Oct 29, 20161